The Last Smoke
Going the way of the dinosaurs. The dodo bird. The pet rock. It’s the last smoke. The very last cigarette that ever existed. Picture a beautiful future where smoking is in our rearview. (Because they’re dangerous, gross and, most importantly, make you look like a giant nincompoop.)
Tour the Museum
The Museum of Extinction plays home to mementos from bygone species, eras… and bad fashion choices. Explore our array of long-since-gone exhibits.
Boom Box
Cassette Era, 1962-1995
Sci. Name: Sayus Anythingicus
Partial gift of the Association for Breakdancing in memory of founder Sick Beatz, 1991.
Sabretooth Skull
Pleistocene, 2.50-0.8 Ma.
Subfamily: Machairodontinae
From the Feline Foundation, in honor of founder T.S. Jellicle, 1968..
Electric Typewriter
Paper Jam Era, 1900-1973
Sci. Name: Carriagite Returnicus
Partial gift of Steno Pools, Inc. in memory of CEO and president Tab Spacebar, 1983.
Compsognathus Fossil
Late Jurassic, 201.4-145.0 Ma.
Subfamily: Compsognathinae
From the Lost World Library, in honor of donar J. Goldblum, 1997.
Black-and-White Era, 1928-2004, A.D.
Sci. Name: Broadcastus Antennicus
Partial gift of Marshall G. Tube, in memory of mother Bunny Ayres, 2006.
Rotary Phone
Bell Era, 1891-1963
Genus: Operati
Partial gift of Party Line Productions, in memory of Mr. Watson, 1975.
Be a Part of History.
Quitting takes courage. Be a part of the movement to make smoking history. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone.

Phone Coaching
No-judgment support throughout your journey—connect with a trained Quit Coach to identify your triggers and build a strategy catered to you. Best of all? It’s free!

Kickstart Kit
Take advantage of free medication to help you step-down on your own — including patches, lozenges or gum, and a Quit Guide to help you kick your nicotine habit.

Quit Guide
Want a beginner step toward quitting? Receive a free workbook to help you prep and get ready to quit on your own time, at your own speed.